Sunday, August 28, 2011

Where, Oh Where..

I disappeared for a while. I'll try to be back now :)

Last semester was very difficult. I found that it was MUCH easier to blog when you are doing well and are proud of yourself.  I am (now) proud of myself for finishing and passing all my classes my first semester. Anatomy, for me, was EXTREMELY difficult, but I passed, and that's all that matters....

Somewhere in there I got my white coat!! They had a nice ceremony for us and my parents came down. It was fun and wonderful to see them right before the finals kicked off.  
Me saying the NSU-SWFL PA "Oath"

Me and my group of friends :)

I finished on a Tuesday morning, and then I got to go home. For like a week and a half. It was marvelous.  I got to see all of my friends and I got to go SHOPPPPPPING with my fantastic mother, and I got to eat out at real restaurants with company, and I got to go sailing with my brother Mark, among so other things.
I really had a fantastic vacation.  And in 104 days, I get to go on another vacation with my parents :)

So, on to the next semester.. I am taking 23 credit hours.
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Lab Medicine 1
- Clinical Medicine and Surgery 1
- Electrocardiography
- Legal and Ethical Issues
- Microbiology
- Pharmacology 1
- Physical Diagnosis 2

And this is what my schedule will look like for most of the semester...
The red are totally tests, btw...
 Starting up again is totally bittersweet.. I am very much looking forward to starting again so that I can get it over with and in December be halfway through the didactic year of PA school.. I am NOT looking forward to missing my mom and dad sooooo much and that awful pit-in-the-stomach feeling that doesn't seem to disappear during school....
On a different note, that is slightly (very) ridiculous of me... I am SERIOUSLY hoping I get the same seat as last semester.. Like, I need my seat. I loved my row, I loved where I sat, and I need that back. But it's not an early day tomorrow, which means I have no clue when people are getting there to try to get my awesome seat.. How early is too early? I guess we'll see tomorrow...

I shouldn't start worrying before I need to, and definitely shouldn't worry about things that don't matter, such as a seat..I have a hard time with worrying, but I'm working through it, as best as I can. Here's to another semester... wish me all the luck :)

1 comment:

  1. This really helps, thanks for doing it! It's going to be a great semester!
