I had a difficult semester last semester... I struggled. A lot. It was hard, I broke down, I cried, I lost it, but I kept going. But there is NO question in my mind how I succeeded. Yes, I do have to take some credit (because, you know, I was actually taking the classes), but the success really came from the people behind the scenes: my mom, my dad, Mary, and of course, the person I put ALL my trust into, God.
To begin, my mother. She was my solid rock. She listened on the phone when I just a hot mess, she had anxiety when I had anxiety (sorry!), she gave me encouraging words and she kept me going. She fed me, literally. My WONDERFUL mother drove 3 hours to come to Ft. Myers to go grocery shopping for me because I just didn't have the time. She drove 3 hours to sit in a chair with her iPad and watch me study. No selfish person could do that. She is the most beautiful, self-less, and amazing woman and I wish to be just like her with my children. I thank God for her every.single.day.
The next person who got me through was my dad. He went through medical school, so he was able to give me support by telling me what he did and how he got through., while also being encouraging (he's a tough love kinda guy). It was VERY encouraging to hear that he wasn't at the top of his class either (but still the smartest man I know!). It was also good to hear that his genius doesn't come naturally. I guess I have lived in denial for 22 years to think that he was just naturally that smart. It doesn't come naturally for me, but he made me believe in myself and know that if I just work hard, I can achieve anything. He really helped me feel better about myself and have someone to lean on that has been through the same thing. I thank God for him everyday too...
The last person who got me through this semester was Mary. Mary has been my best friend since high school. I HATE that I have to live 3 hours away from her. Skype really got us through this semester though. I was able to SEE her (which makes a h-u-g-e difference). She sent me cards. She sent me gifts. And she, along with my parents, prayed for me daily. I love that Mary sees me as a brilliant and beautiful girl and she has helped me with my self-confidence in unbelievable amount, which is important for all aspects of life, including PA school. She always finds time for me and on an daily basis sent me motivational quotes or pictures, or just something to make me laugh to make my day *that* much better. She is truly a beautiful person, inside and out, and I feel that every person should have a Mary in their life. She really allows me to be myself and rant (often) and whine whenever I needed, without any judgement, and gives a witty comment to make me feel better. I love her with all my heart and like my parents, I thank God she is in my life.
And lastly, I firmly believe that my faith got me through this semester. There is NOTHING more comforting than having someone to pray to and know that HE will get you through. My favorite verse, repeated VERY often:: John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be trouble and do not be afraid!" How encouraging. How wonderful.
I know that these people and my faith will get me through my next semester too. AND my mom and I got iPhone 4's, so FACETIME here we come (Thanks Dad!!)!! I am so very blessed.
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