Friday, September 23, 2011


I had my first OSCE today. (OSCE = Objective Structured Clinical Exams - basically a simulated doctor/pt. appointment)

I have some pretty awesome parents, if I do say so myself, who spent an hour last night going over practive OSCEs with me! My dad gave me some tricky ones that I didn't know... but I know them now!! It was fun, funny, and informational. They make me happy and smarter. 
We've been through 2 modules - the eye and dermatology. Therefore, our OSCEs were either derm or eye. We did the eye a little over a week ago, so I had to refresh last night just in case I got the eye.

My partner decided to go first.  I woke up feeling sick. So I was glad to just sit there and be a patient until it was my turn. Anyways, he went first, so he got to pick which paper he wanted (we didn't get to see what was on the paper). It ended up that his was derm, which means that I got the eye. Glad I looked over that! I knew was his was almost immediately (unfortunately he didn't pick on the big hint.. but he eventually went with his original instincts instead of overthinking it (which we ALL do) and got it right... Fungal infection. Fun...
I had the eye.  I originally thought it was viral conjunctivitis, but ruled that out after some history and physical and concluded that it was bacterial conjunctivitis. I forgot some obvious questions, but that's okay. I passed.

As I've previously mentioned, I'm not doing well on the test-taking aspect of PA school, but it makes me feel MUCH better to know that although I can't for the life of me get it right on a test, I can get it right in (pretend) real-life, which is all that matters. 

I like OSCEs way better than I like practicals!! Just gotta through these next 10 months. I can do this.

Only 77 more days until I'm CRUISING!!

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